What Comes After

I am watching the upheaval in my country, and worldwide too, and I feel that we’re going to get through these hard times. This is not to say that we won’t go through harder times than we have yet seen, or that it will be over extremely soon, but I do think that the current spasms of despotism are on the downslope side of a very nasty cycle.

The attempts by politicians and entities like open NGO’s and hidden power brokers to force the population of the world to bend to their will, that’s ending. Whether it’s farmers in the Netherlands standing up against irrational regulations denying their ability to farm, or truckers in Canada pushing back against a very Castro-esque communist control, or the people of Sri Lanka losing their minds and burning down the Prime Minister’s palace, people are getting fed up with being pushed around. The global occurrences of food production disruption are not unnoticed by many people, and the price of fuel for transportation and energy is driving people bonkers. Those in power may continue pulling the levers, but the marks now see the con and are refusing to participate. An end to the this nonsense is coming.

So. When it is ended, what will the rubble look like? Will there be actual rubble, and in great quantity? Looking at recent statements from Russia that they will not allow much more, either, and they’ll respond with some truly horrible stuff. I surely hope not, but I can’t ignore the possibility. Neither can I do much about it other than attempt to know when to get out of the blast zone.

I wonder if the rubble will instead be a collapse to come after the scoundrels have been routed and dealt with. Will there be booby traps to deactivate? Will there be neglected systems to be rebuilt? Those items are what really bother me.

The focus on the “green” agenda has, in my honest opinion, left us open to the brutalization of real climate change. I mean, the kind of change that happens because of the nature of our planet, our solar system, and the galaxy within which we exist. The change that is not of our doing, but the change we will see nonetheless. Weather extremes, and despite recent crowings of hot temperatures, those extremes of cold epochs of which we are millennia overdue. Our scientific establishment has been so focused on Anthropomorphic Global Climate Change (AGCC) that the monster that actually stalks us will creep in while our attention was elsewhere. We’re going to have to work hard to bring some reality to the rest of humanity, get them into a state of preparation, because what is coming we can’t stop.

My other concern is that in social media’s and commerce’s quest to bring convenience to our shopping experience or manipulate our minds to desired subjects and opinions, they have created AI. Real, self-aware, and perhaps self-actualizing AI. The recent Google expert suspended for looking too deeply at one of these digital manifestations and proclaiming it a successful AI, that’s a sign. He warned, in very mild terms, I might add, that a real AI had been created, and his bosses suspended him. Why would a company punish an employee for pointing out the safety issues with a product? It smells of concealment, and perhaps more than a whiff of panic.

This delayed destruction can be planned for and mitigated against. In fact, it must be.

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